Run Toward the Roar

Run Toward
the Roar


Episode 27: The Subtlety of Drift

In this episode of Run Toward the Roar, John Robertson explores the silent but pervasive issue of drifting in both personal life and leadership roles.
John begins the conversation by emphasizing how recognizing and addressing our own personal needs is not just a matter of self-care but a critical step towards growth and development.

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Episode 25: Connection Challenges – Investing Wisely

In this episode of “Run Toward The Roar,” we dive into the pervasive issue of loneliness, emphasizing the profound value of intimacy and connection in our lives. We discuss the challenges of sharing transparently and vulnerably, underlining the pivotal role of effective communication in fostering positive connections.

Episode 25: Connection Challenges – Investing Wisely Read More »

Episode 24: The Simplest Way to Learn and Keep On Your Bearing – It is Not What Many Think

In this episode of Run Toward the Roar, host John Robertson dives deep into the power of learning and living true to one’s values. He emphasizes the importance of faith in living purposefully and thriving, drawing parallels between true North and magnetic North as a metaphor for staying on course in life.

Episode 24: The Simplest Way to Learn and Keep On Your Bearing – It is Not What Many Think Read More »

Episode 23: The Challenge Of Charting A Course In This World

In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John Robertson takes on the challenge of charting a course in this chaotic world. He stresses the importance of introspection and resetting by questioning what truly matters and whether current issues will hold significance in the long run.

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Episode 22: Why Am I Afraid To Tell You Who I Am?

John explores different levels of sharing in relationships, highlighting the significance of finding listeners who can truly handle transparency and vulnerability. As he encourages listeners to confront the superficial appearance of relationships, the episode delves into the depth of communication, ranging from surface-level conversations to genuine, vulnerable interactions. John shares a personal story about sitting with someone who listened without speaking, sparking a powerful, emotive exchange and reinforcing the importance of moral courage and deep relationships.

Episode 22: Why Am I Afraid To Tell You Who I Am? Read More »

Episode 21: Lesson I Learned Through Funeral – It’s About Your Huddle- Community

In a funeral, we celebrate the journey and life of an individual. Though it is a way to say goodbye, we let them go in our little ways. What about those people who are just there for the show?

In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John talks about Lessons he learned through Funerals he attended. We also learn about practicing graciousness and mercy when dealing with toxic people and stressful moments, and the importance of building meaningful relationships and your own huddle group to help you thrive.

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Episode 20: Stone in the Shoe Connections -Taking a Stand

As we walk through life, we sometimes experience having a stone in our shoe. How and when we deal with it defines its impact in our self and our journey.

Join us in this episode of Run Toward The Roar as John talks about the stone in the shoe of our connections and how we must take a stand in order to deal with them. He also talks about the importance of surrounding ourselves with a community that is aligned with our values and the different types of toxic people we will come across in our lives.

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