Run Toward the Roar

Run Toward
the Roar

John Robertson

Episode 15: The Greatest Paradoxes to Thriving – The White Flag Principle

Forgiveness is very easy to understand, yet very hard to do. We go on with our lives being told to put up a fight, but with forgiveness, we need to surrender to be free.

Join us in this episode of Run Toward The Roar, as John talks about one of the greatest paradoxes to thriving – The White Flag Principle. Learn about the nature of forgiveness, and acknowledging the struggles that people have with it from all walks of life. Discover how grace is different from mercy, along with examples of daily living in practicing grace.

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Episode 14: The Education, Required to Thrive, Which No School Provides

We always celebrate the success of those who came back in the game, yet we seem to lack acknowledgement for the challenges and perseverance of those stayed and finished it.

In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John discusses about character, how it produces hope, and what makes it different from being hopeful. We also learn about cognitive reframing to help you look at a situation, and how we should focus on the positive and filter out the negative.

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Episode 13: Optimism is More Than Positive Thinking, But Its Required to Thrive

We grow up learning about optimism and pessimism, yet we really do not understand their definition as they relate to how we can thrive in life.

In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John talks about the real meaning of optimism and how it is so much more than positive thinking. John gives us analysis of how worry affects us, physically and mentally, as well an easy to drink visualization of what we are focusing on our minds.

Learn about refining our optimism, and a very clear distinction between control, lead, and power to help guide us in finding a healthy balance and the clarity to get started.

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Episode 12: Crooked Thinking is like a Meandering Stream

In the wrong environment, even an extraordinary one, a person would find it hard to stand out and rise above themselves.

In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John talks about crooked thinking, how it follows the path of least resistance, and causes us to drift further away from our goals. Learn how our beliefs should have the force and fuel to shut down the negative self-talk and headspace that prevents us from thriving.

Episode 12: Crooked Thinking is like a Meandering Stream Read More »

Episode 11: The Invisible Force that Steers-Even if few want to talk about it

We go through life steered not only by the actions on the choices we make, but also by what we choose to believe.

In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John gives us a discourse on the invisible force that steers us in our journey towards thriving. We grow up being guided by the principles of the people around us, and when it’s time to determine our personal belief, we simply do not question what we have learned.

Discover how questioning those pre-existing beliefs is not meant to make them look bad, but to understand enough to determine if they are what we need for ourselves.

Episode 11: The Invisible Force that Steers-Even if few want to talk about it Read More »

Episode 10: A Good Captain is not Made from Calm Seas

The distance we get to go in life is determined by how willing we are to continue. That being said, our attitude is one of the important support structures in our ability to thrive.

In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John talks about understanding ourselves enough to work on how we respond to triggers around us, and how crucial it is to have people who can help us navigate through the eddies that tend to keep us stuck in one place.

Take a moment to listen and learn about the impact of attitude in every single event of our lives, while keeping in mind that our attitude in responding is how we choose it to be.

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Episode 9: Being Vulnerable Can Lead to Victory When Emotions and Feelings Get Set Apart

How important is passion in thriving? Doesn’t it mean that being passionate about something means being emotionally vulnerable to it?

In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John continues to guide us in running towards the roar, as he tackles our understanding of counseling versus coaching, and how people in crisis don’t even know that they are in that state.

Join us in this conversation with John regarding emotions, feelings, passion, and attitude. Discover how these connect with how we navigate through life, and how we cope with grief.

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Episode 8: What is with the Attitude?

There are very few things we can control in our life that has a major and long-term impact on our future. In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John talks about how attitude shapes everything in our life, being the lens through which we navigate and run toward the roar. He gives specific life experiences of people he has helped to make us understand and easily relate with the lessons.

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Episode 7: Prepare the Child for the Path-Not the Path for the Child

In this episode of Run Toward The Roar, John talks about preparing the child for the path, teaching them ways to thrive instead of just reacting or responding to whatever life throws at them. John gives us key insight into the ABCs of Run Towards the Roar Ethos as well as helping us understand the role of direction and focus, and learning how to develop good physical crisis response.

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Episode 6: The Road to Success is Dotted with Many Tempting Parking Places

The most memorable trips are those that did not go according to plan. This holds true for life, and we are not so stressed about it if we made a plan beforehand. In this episode of Run Towards the Roar, John takes us on a journey to self-examination regarding the importance and benefit of having a plan, understanding passion, learning life lessons, defining our abilities, and harnessing our nature.

Episode 6: The Road to Success is Dotted with Many Tempting Parking Places Read More »